Rogers offers a broad range of materials that preserve and protect sensitive products at a multitude of temperature levels throughout the cold storage supply chain.

Our materials perform exceptionally well at standard equipment temperatures, from refrigerated (2° C to 8°C), to freezer (-10°C to -25°C), to ultra-low freezer (-70°C to -90°C), to liquid- or vapor-phase nitrogen (-135°C to -196°C) with no compromise of mechanical properties.

A typical silicone elastomer material reaches low temperature embrittlement around -55°C. Several ARLON silicone materials, however, function at temperatures well below this. An ARLON GP grade solid silicone material, for example, can reach temperatures as low as -62°C. An ARLON HS/LT grade solid silicone offers even lower temperature usage, reaching a low temperature of embrittlement around -90°C.

Our BISCO® silicone foam and PORON® polyurethane materials are available in a wide range of firmness and thickness options and display superior compression set (C-set) retention, ensuring a robust and consistent enclosure.

For applications requiring high-performance films and/or pressure-sensitive tapes, DeWAL® products provide reliable and thermally stable solutions.

In addition, DeWAL PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) is an ideal material for critical medical, biological and pharmaceutical applications, as it has a natural resistance to most chemistries, is biologically inert and offers an excellent range of operational temperatures, from -200°C to 260°C.

Related Products

ARLON® Silicones

Rogers ARLON® Silicone Technologies are the industry leaders in silicone elastomers.

BISCO® Silicones

The BISCO® product line is the world leader in silicone foams used for gasketing and sealing applications.

ePTFE Membrane Composites

Rogers DeWAL ePTFE Membrane Composites for use as permeable barrier protection.

PTFE Film Composites

Rogers DeWAL PTFE film composites for critical applications.

Skived PTFE Film

Rogers DeWAL Skived PTFE Films are made from premium virgin PTFE and held to tight tolerances on width and thickness to conform to rigorous standards.

Properties Guides

  • ARLON® Silicones Product Properties Guide

    Generate ARLON® data sheets by filtering product information using various criteria, including property groups, product category or units, to find the best material for the application.

  • BISCO® Silicones Product Properties Guide

    Filter BISCO product information by various criteria, including property groups, product category or units, to find the best material for the application.

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